Article 1. Accessory Buildings. 1
4-101.... Accessory buildings. 1
4-102.... Installation permit required. 1
4-104.... Nonconforming
accessory buildings. 2
4-202.... Requirements for the placement
and maintenance of mobile homes within the city. 4
Article 3. Storage Containers. 7
4-302.... Restrictions and prohibited
items. 7
4-304.... Complaints; inquiry and
inspection. 7
4-306.... Unlawful interference. 8
4-307.... Order of violation. 8
4-309.... Failure to comply; penalty. 8
4-402.... Acceptable and prohibited
materials. 11
4-403.... Height restrictions. 11
4-404.... Certain fences, walls, or
enclosures built or required for animals. 12
4-405.... Fence location and
requirements. 12
4-406.... Installation permit required. 12
4-407.... Maintenance and repair of
fences. 12
4-408.... Certain fences, walls, hedges
deemed nuisances; Notice to repair or move. 12
4-409.... Nonconforming fences. 13
4-410.... Violation; penalty. 13
Article 5. Moving Buildings. 14
4-502.... Same; application for permit. 14
4-503.... Same; bond, insurance
required. 14
4-505.... Route; duties of building
official. 14
4-506.... Notice to owners. 15
4-508.... Interfering with poles; wires. 15
4-509.... Display of lanterns. 15
Article 6. Building Structure and Setbacks. 16
4-601.... Building and setback
requirements. 16
4-602.... Installation permit required. 16
4-604.... Nonconforming buildings or
setback. 16