(a)   Mobile home means a structure which:

(1)   Is transportable in one or more sections which, in the traveling mode, is ten feet or more in width and forty feet “body or living space” in length, and is built on a permanent chassis and is designed to be used as dwelling, with or without a permanent foundation, when connected to the required utilities; and

(2)   Is not subject to the federal manufactured home construction and safety standards established in 42 U.S.C. 5403.

(b)   Camping Trailer - Any vehicular portable dwelling unit designed especially for a short-term occupancy such as: travel trailers, tent trailers, truck or auto mounted camping units, converted buses and trucks and all other similar units whether self-propelled, pulled or hauled and designed primarily for highway travel without the necessity of a special permit.

(c)   Mobile Home Park - Any area, parcel or tract of ground equipped as required for support of mobile homes and used or intended to be used by one or more occupied mobile home(s). The term mobile home park does not include a sales area on which unoccupied mobile homes, whether new or used, are parked for the purposes of storage, inspection, or sale. A mobile home may, however, be parked on a space for purposes of sale by the resident owner. In addition to rental of space, the mobile home park owner may also rent mobile homes placed on spaces for that purpose.

(d)   Single Wide Trailer - A trailer measuring eighteen feet or less in width and ninety feet or less in length, able to be towed as a single unit.

(e)   Modular home - A modular home is simply a home built offsite, in an indoor factory setting, to a local state code. The foundation itself supports the house.

(f)    Tent – A portable shelter made of cloth, supported by one or more poles and stretched tight by cords or loops attached to pegs driven into the ground.

(g)   Canopy – A roof like covering or anything that seems to cover

(h)   Collapsible Shelter – Anything made of fabric (such as nylon or canvas) stretched and sustained by poles or trees or other types of structures and used for camping outdoors or as a temporary building.

(i)    Property Owner – The named property owner as indicated by the records of the Register of Deeds or Appraiser’s Office in Butler County, Kansas.

(j)    Temporary Dwelling - A dwelling intended to be used for human habitation for a time period not exceeding 30 days, and shall include tents, camping trailers, boats, recreational vehicles, and other similar vehicles or equipment.

(k)   Temporary Dwelling Unit - Any dwelling which is an ancillary detached dwelling located on the same lot as an existing dwelling and intended to house (for a temporary period) anyone.

(l)    Camp or Camping - To set up, or to remain in or at a place, for the purpose of remaining overnight, or establishing or maintain a temporary place to live (including but not limited to, using a tent, canopy, shelter, etc.).

(m)  Foundation, Permanent - A site-built foundation, with or without a basement, that meets or exceeds the foundation requirements determined by the governing body. Dwelling must have masonry perimeter enclosure of approved materials and have approved bearing footing that are below the established frostline of (30").

(Ord. 443; Code 2018; Ord. 2020-08; Ord. 2022-09; Ord. 2023-08)

The following requirements and regulations shall apply to the placement and maintenance of mobile homes within the City:

(a)   Replacement of a single wide mobile home must adhere to the provisions set forth in this article.

(b)   Only one mobile home per building lot, or taxed parcel, on area at least 14,000 sq. feet.

(c)   No mobile home may be added on a lot with an existing residential structure.

(d)   A premises inspection fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) shall be paid by the owner of said lot or lots for an initial application fee for inspections of the mobile home, its permanent foundation, and to ascertain whether the mobile home is correctly placed on the property.

(e)   All mobile homes placed upon real property in the City shall be set upon a permanent solid foundation of concrete, concrete blocks, and/or laid up brick. This foundation must be entirely around the outside perimeter of the mobile home, with no more than two (2) access openings of no greater than four (4) feet in width and must be in accordance with the permanent foundation definition found in Article 4 of this code book.

(f)    All mobile homes must have the tongues, wheels, and axles removed upon their placement on a lot or lots within the City of Leon, Kansas. Further, it is the intent of this article that said mobile home, once properly placed, shall be taxed as part of the real estate from that time forward.

(g)   No mobile home may be placed on any lot or lots in the City of Leon which is more than ten (10) years old at the time of placement.

(h)   No more than sixty (60) days may elapse from the time of moving an existing mobile home from a residential lot or lots and moving another upgraded mobile home back onto the same lot. A replacement mobile home must be no older than ten (10) years old and be in good appearance and repair.

(i)    All mobile homes sitting on residential lots must be placed parallel to the street unless replacing a previous existing mobile home that meets all the other requirements set forth in this ordinance. Such mobile home must be no closer than twenty (20) feet from the lot’s property line in any direction. Such mobile home may not be placed closer than fifteen (15) feet from the closest edge of the city’s utility easement, and at least fifteen (15) feet from any other structure.

(j)    As a prerequisite to receiving permission to place a mobile home on a residential lot or lots in the City of Leon, Kansas, all of the aforementioned requirements and regulations must be met, and the owner must secure the signatures of all of the adjacent property owners within one hundred and fifty (150) feet. Signatures will not be required if replacing an existing mobile home. Such one hundred and fifty feet shall be measured from each boundary line in all directions of any lot upon which any part of the mobile home proposed to be placed will sit. The form for the obtaining of adjacent property owner’s signatures shall be furnished by the City Clerk. This form and any necessary signatures must be verified and approved by the City Council before any movement or placement of any mobile home may commence.

(k)   Mobile homes may be placed and maintained on residential lots by the owner of said lot or lots for their own personal home or living space.

(l)    No mobile home may be moved onto residential lots by the owners of said lot(s) for the purpose of rentals or for the occupancy of any persons who are not the actual owners of the real estate lots UNLESS the actual owner of the real estate lot(s) completes and turns in a Conditional Use Permit and pays the annual fee of $250 to the City of Leon.  Such application for the conditional use permit can be obtained in the City office and submitted to the City Clerk.

(m)  City utilities will not be turned on until the renter or occupant of trailer provide the deposit and information needed for such utilities and the actual owner of the real estate is current on the conditional use permit.

(n)   Mobile homes or camping trailers retaining their running gear and towing devices (such as fifth wheel and travel trailers) used for temporary or vacation vehicles do not fall under the above regulations if such vehicle is below the width and length requirements of this article to qualify as a primary living abode/permanent mobile home dwelling within the City of Leon, Kansas. Such temporary units may not be utilized as a year-round residence within the city limits of Leon, Kansas. Travel trailers of visitors may be parked on a landowner’s property in the City of Leon, Kansas for a maximum visit of thirty (30) days per calendar year unless a longer period is specifically approved by the city council upon a showing of special circumstances. The exception for this time period would be if it is parked in the Mobile Park in the City of Leon. Such application for an extended stay permit can be obtained in the City office and submitted to the City Clerk.

(o)   Modular homes are not subject to the same requirements set forth in this article.

(p)   That for the privilege of camping, regardless of the means, inside the City limits of Leon, Kansas shall be permitted for no more than ten (10) days per calendar year.

(q)   No tents, canopy, collapsible shelter, and/or portable shelters or like equipment shall be placed on a landowner’s property in the City of Leon, Kansas for a maximum time of ten (10) days per calendar year unless a longer period is specifically approved by the city council upon a showing of special circumstances.

(Ord. 443; Code 2018; Ord. 2020-08; Ord. 2022-09; Ord. 2024-10)

The Code Enforcement/Public Officer and/or Police Chief shall be charged with the enforcement of this article and shall cause all ordinances of the city respecting any such mobile home or mobile home park to be enforced.

(Ord. 2020-08)

It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or park any mobile home on any street, alley, avenue, highway or other public place in the city or on any tract of land within the city contrary to the provisions of this article, whether owned by the person himself, herself or others: provided, that emergency or temporary stopping or parking not exceeding four hours at any one time shall be lawful as permitted by traffic ordinances or as may be directed by the public safety officers of the city. No person shall park or occupy any mobile home except as authorized herein.

(Ord. 2020-08)

Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalties for a class C violation. Each day that a violation of this article exists constitutes a separate offense. Further, upon conviction of a violation of this article, any mobile home which is in violation of this article is subject to removal from the city by City of Leon personnel or their designated representatives and the costs of such removal and storage shall be the responsibility of the owner or owners of such mobile home. Such costs may be assessed to the person convicted in municipal court as part of an order of restitution or reparations in the case and/or as a condition of probation or other alternative to incarceration.

(Ord. 2020-08)

These regulations shall supersede any covenants, deed restrictions, or any other requirements or agreements currently in place on a property. Any property that does not meet the requirements set forth herein must adhere to the conditions set forth in this article after thirty (30) days from the adoption of Ordinance 2022-09 (October 3, 2022).

(Ord. 2020-08; Ord. 2022-09)