Article 1. Accessory Buildings

(a)   For purposes of this sections, accessory building shall mean a secondary structure detached from the principal structure but on the same premises, including, but not limited to, garages, sheds, barns, or outbuildings.

(b)   No accessory building shall be erected in any required front or side yard, and no detached accessory building shall be erected closer than five (5) feet to any other building. Accessory buildings may be located in the rear yard, but shall not be closer than five (5) feet to the rear lot line and shall not be closer to the side lot line than the required side yard setback of the district. No accessory building shall cover more than thirty (30) percent of the required rear yard.

(c)   For an accessory structure to be built on an empty residential lot without the primary dwelling, the lot must be a minimum configuration of 12,500 square feet.

(d)   When built on a lot 12,500 square feet or larger the accessory building must be placed on the back half of the lot. Example: lot size 100’ wide by 125’ long, half of the length of 125’ is 62’ 6”. The size of the accessory structure must fit in this 62’ 6” space including any side or rear property setbacks.

(e)   The area remaining to build a primary structure on the 12,500 square feet area must have a minimum size of 960 square feet, plus 30% back yard with all front, side, and rear setbacks.

(f)    If one lot is conjoined with another lot, said lots can no longer be sold as single lots if an accessory building is placed upon one of the lots.

(g)   Until a primary dwelling is built on the other part of the lot, another accessory structure cannot be built upon that lot to ensure the principal structure area is not been infringed upon.

(h)   Any accessory building built upon lots in this section cannot be used for home occupation uses until a primary structure has been built. If these accessory buildings are being used for any other purpose than storage until a primary dwelling has been built it constitutes an illegal use under this article.

(i)    The accessory building cannot be used as a residence unless built onto a primary dwelling on the lot.

(Ord. 555; Code 2018; Ord. 2020-07; Ord. 2023-07)

No person shall install, erect, or substantially replace any accessory building without first having obtained a permit authorizing the work to be done. Application for a permit shall include the location and legal description of the property, name of the record owner of the property, name of permittee, classification and measurements of the building, location as shown on a plot plan, and estimated time of completion. There shall be a fee for such a permit as stated on the permit. The fee shall be evaluated from time to time by the governing body and appropriate changes to the fee be made.

(Ord. 2020-07)

Any accessory building here and after erected or maintained contrary to the provisions of this article is hereby declared to be a nuisance and shall be removed or repaired by the owner thereof or by the person occupying the premises on which it is located within ten (10) days after receipt of notice from the governing body to repair or remove the same.

(Ord. 2020-07)

Nonconforming accessory buildings which may be continued:

(a)   The following lawful nonconforming accessory buildings may be continued:

(1)   An accessory building which existed prior to the effective date of this amendment.

(Ord. 2020-07)