That all water furnished by the municipal water system of this city shall be measured by meters.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That all water furnished by the municipal water system of this city shall be measured by meters.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

Each premise shall have a separate and distinct service connection and where permission is granted for branch service must have a separate meter and cutoff unless special written permission is granted by the city management.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That no one except regular employees of the water department of this city or persons licensed as plumbers shall do any plumbing work on any pipe connected or to be connected to the municipal water system.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That no excavation made by a plumber in public ground shall be kept open longer than is absolutely necessary to make the connections required, and while open shall be protected in suitable barriers, guards and lights as provided in the ordinances of this city, and back-filling shall be thoroughly compacted and left in a condition satisfactory to the street commission, and where such excavation is in an unsatisfactory condition the city shall cause it to be repaired and the cost thereof shall be charged to the plumber (and their license will be suspended unless said sum is paid).

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That there shall be a curb cock in every service line attached to the water mains, the same to be placed within one foot of the curb, if on a street or within one foot of the alley line if the main is located in the alley. Curb cock and meter to be placed in 15 in. tile. There shall be one or more stop and waste cocks attached to every supply pipe, so that the water can be shut off and the house plumbing entirely drained.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That check valves be and the same are hereby required on all connections to steam boilers or on any connection deemed by the city manager to require one. Safety and relief valves shall be placed on all boilers or other steam pressure that may be raised in excess of forty pounds per square inch.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

(a)   All water furnished to customers shall be metered.

(b)   The City shall install a meter at the expense of the consumer and hereby undertakes to maintain the same such meter being assigned to the city without recourse. If, at any time the consumer desires to have the meter tested for          accuracy, the same shall be done by the city, and a fee of fifty dollars ($50) charged therefore to the consumer if the meter registers 95% accurate. If the meter registers less than 95% accurate, it shall be replaced and repaired before installation on anther service and no charge shall be made.

(c)   The city’s responsibility stops at the meter.

(Ord. 135; Ord. 395; Ord. 500; Code 2018; Ord. 2023-01)

That for the purpose of reading meters, duly authorized employees of the water department of this city may legally enter upon any premises at any reasonable hours.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That every tenant in residence property not being the owner thereof shall pay a fee with the city clerk of this city at the time the water is turned on at any property occupied by him, the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) and every tenant in other than a residence property shall deposit an amount equal to the estimated cost of two months service at a demand estimated by the city clerk to hold the city free from loss occasioned by his failure to pay any bills legally rendered against him by the city for water used upon the premises, and said hook-up fee shall be returned, less any amounts then due the city for services rendered, upon this discontinuance of service.

(Ord. 135; Ord. 395; Ord. 500; Code 2018; Ord. 2022-03)

That it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person in this city or any person owning or occupying premises connected to the municipal water system of this city to use or allow to be used during a fire, any water from said water system, except for the purpose of extinguishing said fire, and upon the sounding of a fire alarm it shall be the duty of every such person to see that all water services are tightly closed and that no water is used except in extraordinary cases of emergency during said fire.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That it is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take any water from the municipal water system of this city except through a meter installed by said city or from any premises not owned by him or them without the permission of the owner thereof.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

That it shall be unlawful for any person to turn any curb cock on or off except a duly authorized employee of the city water department.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018)

No allowances shall be made for water used or lost through leaks, carelessness, neglect or otherwise after the same has passed through the meter unless they qualify for the allowances allowed in Resolution 03-2023.

(a)   The discount is applicable every five (5) years for the property address, not the owner.

(b)   The property owner on record must apply for the allowance for the discount of the leak.

(Ord. 135; Ord. 552; Code 2018; Ord. 2023-01)

That any person, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and restitution cost.

(Ord. 135; Code 2018; Ord. 2022-03)

City service charge shall be set by the water meter applications.

(Ord. 395; Code 2018)

The rates to be charged each calendar month for water sold from the municipal water plant is hereby fixed and determined and shall be as follows:

(a)   the minimum and up to the first 1,000 gallons of water used per month the sum of $20.00.

(b)   the next 1,000 gallons of water used per month the sum of $4.50 per thousand.

(c)   the next 3,000 gallons of water used per month the sum of $5.50 per thousand.

(d)   5,000 gallons and over of water used per month the sum of $11.00 per thousand.

(Ord. 473; Ord. 512; Ord. 520; Code 2018; Ord. 2021-05)

(a)   PURPOSE. The purpose of this section is to protect the public water supply of the City of Leon from contamination due to backflow or backsiphonage from any cross connection: and to prohibit and eliminate all cross connections to the public water supply and to provide for the maintenance of a continuing effective cross connection as well as to prevent any future cross connections.

(b)   CROSS CONNECTIONS PROHIBITED. No person company corporation or institution shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained, any cross connection whereby a private water supply, or any source of contamination may enter the regular public water supply of the City of Leon, unless said source is approved by the City Council of the City of Leon, and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

(c)   PROTECTIVE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS REQUIRED. Approved devices to protect against backflow or backsiphonage shall be installed at all fixtures and equipment where backflow or backsiphonage may occur and where there is a hazard of contamination of the potable water supply system.

(d)   INSPECTION. The maintenance supervisor or other designate of the City Council of the City of Leon shall have the right of entry into any building or premises in the City as frequently as necessary in order to ensure that plumbing has been installed in a manner as to prevent the possibility of contamination of the public water supply of the City of Leon, Kansas.

(e)   PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINANTS. Pursuant to the authority given under Home Rule Powers and K.S.A. 65-163a, the City of Leon, may refuse to deliver water to any premises where a condition exists which might lead to the contamination of the public water and may continue to refuse to deliver water until the condition is corrected to the satisfaction of the City. In addition, the City may immediately terminate water service to a premises where a backflow or backsiphonage condition exists which may be hazardous to the health of customers served by this public water supply system of the City of Leon.

(f)    INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE. There is hereby incorporated by reference for the purpose of regulating cross connections between the public water supply and any sources of contamination that certain manual adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Leon, known as, “MANUAL OF REGULATIONS REGULATING BACKFLOW AND BACKSIPHONAGE OF CONTAMINANTS DUE TO CROSS CONNECTIONS FOR THE CITY OF LEON PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY”. No fewer than three copies of said manual shall be marked or stamped, “Official Copy as Adopted by Ordinance No. 368”, and to which shall be attached a copy of this section, or said ordinance, and filed with the City Clerk to be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours.

(Ord. 369; Code 2018)