For the purpose of enforcing and interpreting this article, the following definitions shall prevail unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(a)   General Commercial District - is specifically set aside for commercial businesses and located on the 100 Block of South Main and 100 Block of North Main located in Leon, Ks.

(b)   Businesses - an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities, The purpose of business is to organize some sort of economic production of goods or services.

(c)   Main Level - story of a building at or nearest, but not below, ground level.

(d)   Owner - means the legal title holder or holders of the realty:

(1)   if legal title is held by a trust, “owner” means the beneficial owner or owners of the trust; and

(2)   if there is a purchaser or purchasers under a real estate installment sales contract, “owner” means the purchaser or purchasers, but the name of the purchaser or purchasers must appear on the deed;

(e)   Reside - to live permanently or continuously.

(f)    Residence - The place where one actually lives, which may be different from one’s domicile. The act of living somewhere for a period of time.

(g)   Second Level - the floor above main level.

(Ord. 2023-09)

The purpose of this district is to allow a relatively broad range of commercial facilities, government services, and institutional uses, which are primarily intended to provide personal services, goods, and businesses to serve the community at-large. The general commercial district is intended to provide basic goods and services for daily living. Shops, stores and businesses rely on neighborhood or local traffic.

(Ord. 2023-09)

The 100 Block of South Main and 100 Block of North Main located in Leon, Ks. is deemed for general commercial district only.

(Ord. 2023-09)

Any property located in this area at the passing of Ordinance 2023-09 is grandfathered in until the changing of ownership. The changing of ownership will cause the property to adhere to the rules in effect by this ordinance. The owner, as defined in Section 1, must be the one residing at the property or the property will be required to comply with the current regulations stipulated in this ordinance.

(Ord. 2023-09)