CHAPTER 1. ADMINISTRATIONCHAPTER 1. ADMINISTRATION\Article 7. Revenue, Finance & Community Development

(a)   The City does hereby establish a fund to be known as the “Economic Development Fund”, previously known as “Condemnation/Demolition Fund”, for the purpose of providing financial incentive reimbursements for economic development initiatives benefiting the City, upon proper application, as provided herein.

(b)   The Economic Development Fund shall constitute a non-budgeted fund but shall be subject to all laws and ordinances governing the same. The Economic Development Fund shall obtain revenue as determined by the Governing Body, typically by transfers made from General Fund. Monies in said Fund shall be used for the purposes set forth hereinafter.

(c)   The repair or removal and/or rebuilding of blighted structures from residential areas within the city limits of the City of Leon, Kansas. Blighted Structures are defined as residential structures which are unsafe or dangerous or which are substantially out of compliance with the City’s codes and ordinances.

(d)   Any property owner with the city limits of the City of Leon, Kansas may apply to the governing body for compensation from the Economic Development Fund for any of the following:

(1)   The City may reimburse $250 for repairs of approved cosmetic upgrades such as paint, minor repairs to siding, and smaller items. Receipts must exceed $750 in cost of products and/or labor. This reimbursement may be paid by the City upon receipt of the expenses paid and approval of the governing body.

(2)   The City may reimburse $500 for repairs of approved cosmetic upgrades such as windows, major repairs to siding, roofs etc. Receipts must exceed $1,500 in cost of products and/or labor. This reimbursement may be paid by the City upon receipt of the expenses paid and approval of the governing body.

(3)   The City may reimburse $1,500 for demolition of any home/structure considered to be a “blight” or dangerous structure without building any new construction. This reimbursement may be paid by the City upon receipt of the expenses paid and approval of the governing body.

(4)   The City may reimburse $5,000 for demolition of any home/structure considered to be a “blight” or dangerous structure and a new home/structure with the minimum appraised value of $35,000 has been built in its place. This reimbursement may be paid by the City upon receipt of the expenses paid and approval of the governing body.

(e)   Any person desiring to utilize these incentives must submit an application, on a form supplied by the City, for review and approval by the Governing Body prior to the repairs, construction of the home or the demolition of the property and the invoices must be filed with the city within 90 days of the Governing Body’s approval of the application. The City clerk will keep proper records to verify that such improvements have been made. If the repairs, construction of the home or the demolition and paperwork has not been completed within the 90 days the application is void.

(f)    In the event that it becomes necessary to dissolve this fund, all proceeds remaining in said fund shall be transferred by Resolution of the Governing Body to the General Fund or as otherwise designated by the Governing Body.

(Ord. 2023-04)